I started this year like I do any other year - a shiny, hopeful outlook. There is something magical about the date on the calendar that says January 1 that makes me feel as if the possibilities are endless that lay ahead. A few years ago, I stopped writing resolutions and instead starting choosing a one word theme of what I would like to work on. There are many things that I would like to work on to improve myself and sometimes it is hard to pick ONE, but the one I choose is what I would most like to work on/get better at/achieve.
Last year, my word was Believe. Funny thing (looking back now) I didn't know how big of a part this word would actually play role in my future decisions. Hind sight being 20/20, here are a few of the things I learned...
- Led a team of professionals (inexperienced in our business) and continued operations as normal
- Stepped out of my comfort zone and changed career focus
- Packed my home and my family and moved...far far away.
This year, I took a leap of faith because I wanted different results. It has not been easy and there are days I have cursed the word "change," but I have grown and I know I am a better person. I have learned about myself things I never saw before and I have learned about others, things I never wanted or expected to see. I have hurt, I have cried and I have laughed and felt my soul soar on the wings of tomorrow.
As this year comes to a close, I know my journey is far from over - I can feel it in my bones, but rather just beginning. I am looking forward with eye's wide open to what the future holds and wishing you each a bright and better tomorrow.
loved reading this - hope this year's word set another great path for you!